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5 Common Dental Problems And How To Treat Them

Teeth Whitening

Taking care of your teeth is important for your oral and overall physical health. Unfortunately, dental problems can arise even when we take the best possible care of our teeth. Whether you use electric toothbrushes or the best paste in town, there might still be chances you may get dental issues. Here are five common dental problems—and simple ways to treat them.

1) Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental concerns and can lead to cavities if left untreated. Tooth decay is caused by plaque buildup on the surface of your teeth, which creates an acidic environment that eats away at enamel. To prevent tooth decay, brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. If you do develop a cavity, it can usually be treated with a filling or a crown.

2) Gingivitis/Periodontitis

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial plaque buildup along the gum line; if left untreated it can progress into periodontitis—an infection of the tissue surrounding the teeth that can cause bone loss in some cases. To prevent gingivitis, practice good oral hygiene as outlined above; if you do develop gingivitis or periodontitis, ask your dentist about treatment options such as scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) or antibiotics to help fight infection and reduce inflammation.

3) Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is caused by exposed dentin (the layer underneath the enamel) due to receding gums or worn enamel from brushing too hard or using harsh toothpaste. You may experience discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks, brushing your teeth, or breathing cold air in the winter months. To prevent tooth sensitivity, use a soft-bristled brush when brushing your teeth and avoid overly abrasive toothpaste; if you already have sensitive teeth ask your dentist about desensitizing products that can help reduce pain associated with these activities.

4) Mouth Sores/Infections

Mouth sores are common occurrences that often arise after eating acidic foods like citrus fruits; other times they may be caused by viruses like herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1). If you get recurring mouth sores that don’t go away within two weeks, visit your dentist so they can diagnose any underlying infections that may be causing them; they may also be able to provide medication to help speed up healing time and reduce discomfort associated with mouth sores.

5) TMJ Disorder/TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

TMJ disorder involves pain in the joints connecting the lower jawbone to the rest of the skull; it’s typically caused by misaligned bite patterns due to missing or crooked teeth or grinding habits while sleeping at night. Treatment methods for TMJ disorder vary depending on severity but generally include physical therapy exercises for jaw muscles as well as custom-made splints worn over lower front teeth during sleep hours to keep jaws from shifting out of alignment while sleeping at night; in extreme cases, surgery may be required to realign jaw joints back into their proper positions.

Properly caring for our teeth is essential for maintaining good oral health throughout our lives; however, there are certain things beyond our control that can still cause dental problems such as tooth decay, gingivitis/periodontitis, mouth sores/infections, tooth sensitivity, and TMJ disorder/TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) or even tooth stains. If teeth stains are an issue then at teeth whitening kits or DIY at-home teeth whitening processes can come in handy.  The key is identifying these issues early on before they become more serious so appropriate treatment steps can be taken right away—so make sure you schedule regular visits with your dentist! With proper care, you should be able to keep all of these pesky dental problems at bay!

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