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Famous Myths And Facts About Pregnancy Stretch Marks

When you hear this good news that you are pregnant and you are going to have a baby, this news about having a baby will bring a big smile on your face. Basically, each and every thing is attached to each other. When you get pregnant then you automatically get attached to the various myths that are normally as well as popularly associated with stretch marks.

So here we are highlighting the various Popular Myths about Pregnancy Stretch Marks and discussing its actual fact.

Myth: Stretch marks only happen on your belly

Fact: This is the most common myth, about Pregnancy Stretch Marks, that you are going to have stretch marks only on your belly. Don’t be sacred, on knowing the real fact, is that stretch marks can happen anywhere on the body. This possibility is less but it can happen. This is one aspect of stretch mark, but there is another fact also, that many women don’t even have any type of stretch marks either on their belly or anywhere else. They have their labor pain, still don’t have stretch marks.

Myth: There’s nothing you can do about stretch marks:

Fact: When you get pregnant your aunt starts saying that you can’t do anything for these stretch marks to go away. The true fact is that you can do many more things for that. You can moisturize your skin regularly without fail, so that your skin maintains the elasticity. You can apply cocoa butter, bio oil and vitamin E to improve your skin condition and help the skin stretch properly, without having any stretch marks. Along with that eat healthy food which are said to repair skin damage.

Myth: Tanning makes stretch marks fade:

Fact: This thing is always thought as the next alternative solution for stretch marks. You think you tan it; it will fade and become less noticeable. This is not really possible. This can make your skin condition worse, you can lose your natural skin color and texture.

Myth: You’ll look like this forever:

Fact: Even if you got stretch marks, you can do still do many more things to treat it and to gain back your normal skin. You can start using stretch marks cream which contains Squalane, Emulsifying Wax NF and Hyaluronic Acid. The stretch marks cream is said to be effective if it is clinically proven. Another treatment that you can go for is laser treatment. So solutions are available for you.

Myth: If you’re thin or you don’t gain much weight, you won’t get stretch marks:

Fact: This is the most popular myth, that when you are thin, so anyhow you are not going to have stretch marks. The real fact is that it does not matter how thin you are and what age you have, you can have stretch marks due to hormonal changes. Hormonal changes are going to change anyhow. So some may have stretch marks due to these hormonal changes, in spite of the fact whether you are thin or not.

Myth: Stretch marks go away when you lose the weight:

Fact: Stretch marks are basically caused by stretching of skin. So the myth of losing weight and making it free from stretch marks also not true. It can fade but will not go away by just merely losing weight. You need to take care by using some natural home treatment and some stretch mark creams along with losing weight, so that it not only gets faded but also goes away.

Summary :

Hope you are now clear with the myths and know the real truth. There are always some myths and fact associated with each and every thing. It’s on you whether to believe in myth with close eyes or you follow what science is saying about it and always stay fit as well as healthy

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