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Healthy Tips for Recovering with An Online Counselor

Are you consumed by your online addiction habit? Do you find yourself by spending all of your free time surfing the net, traveling to undesirable websites that would be better left alone? Is the Internet beginning to interfere with the rest of your life and you fail to perform your job well, stop seeing friends, risk your relationship, and essential become an online hermit? There is a real world out there. It’s time you broke free of the virtual realms in exchange for reality. An online counselor can help.

 Admit you have a problem

Stop trying to shuffle your online addiction under the rug. Don’t downplay it either. If you cannot live without the Internet, you have a serious issue to contend with and need to resolve it. Once you know you need help, you can find an online counselor to make it easy to have sessions at your convenience. Do your research and find a therapist that is satisfying to you. Go with your instincts and feedback from others. You can also check with the Better Business Bureau.

Do your part to take independent measures

While you’re going to meet with an online counselor for agreed upon number of sessions each week, there are measures you can take to get your online habits under control Consider turning in your mobile device or only use it for a phone. Get monitoring software and block certain sites on your computer. Read the various articles that are supplied on the topic. Set up a routine for the time of day and amount of time that you will allow yourself to use the Internet. Don’t bend your rules, no matter what.

 Be religious about your counseling sessions

Do not try to skip out on your therapy or make excuses. When you have established an appointment, make sure you stick with it. You’ll only get out of your treatment what you put into it.

 Find other passions

Explore new hobbies and activities. Get out and be active. Join support groups for a good outlet to share your fight with addiction, choosing healthy ways to interact with others.

Get away for a day trip, a long weekend, or an extended stay. See new places and marvel at the world around you. It will always beat the Internet, hands down.

Keep a journal

Write down insights, your adventures, and your downfalls. Make sure you highlight your victories. Keep track of the amount of time you’ve spent online and make it a goal to reduce that time each week. You can live without it, using the Internet for bills, the phone for socializing, Share your results with your counselor and stay happy as well as healthy

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